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Office Document Conversion

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On May 1st 2016, We added the file extensions for Microsoft Office 1997 thru 2003 to our Attachment Filter list. These files include, but may not be limited to. *.doc, *.xls, *.ppt. Our mail servers will no longer be able to send and receive these Office file types due to a rise in emails with malicious attachments. Below are three methods to convert your Office 97-2003 files (*.doc, *.xls) to the Office 2007 and newer format (*.docx, *.xlsx). You may also Print or Export your documents to a PDF file.

  1. With the Document open. Click on File. (Note that the Window title states [Compatibility Mode] next to the File Name.)
  2. Click on Convert
  3. Click on OK (Optionally you may check the “Do not ask me again about converting documents” check box)
  4. Finally Save your file. Office will replace the .doc version of the file with a .docx version
  5. Send the converted file in your email.
  1. With the Document open. Click on File. (Note that the Window title states [Compatibility Mode] next to the File Name.)
  2. Click on “Save As”
  3. The “Save As” dialog will open
  4. Change the Save as type from Office 97-2003 Document to Office Document (Office will be the name of the current Office App open)
  5. Click on OK (Optionally you may check the “Do not ask me again” check box)
  6. Your file has now been saved using the new format.
  7. Navigate to the folder that you saved the file in
  8. Delete the old file. Be sure to look at the file type so you do not remove the newly converted file (You may need to close the Open Office app to delete the file)
  9. Send the converted file in your email.
  1. Log into your OneDrive account in your favorite browser
  2. Upload your file to OneDrive (You may also copy the file to your OneDrive folder if you have the OneDrive Desktop App)
  3. Click on your File to open it in Office Online
  4. Click on Edit Document followed by Edit in Browser
  5. Office Online will Convert your File
  6. Once opened in edit mode you may now close the file
  7. Click on the small circle in the upper right corner of the file icon so you see a blue check box. Then the Download Button (You may skip the following steps and just open your OneDrive folder if you are using the OneDrive Desktop App)
  8. Once downloading finishes click open folder
  9. Windows Explorer will open with your converted file
  10. Send the converted file in your email.
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